Stralende Cave
The Stralende Cave has many entrances spread throughout the forest in the form of 50-175 foot shafts. There is no "easy" way into the cave. You either bring some sort of equipment to climb down or you take your chances at a 50+ foot drop. The cave is unique for several ones. One, there are never any abominations or horrors. Nobody knows why - there just isn't. Two, inside of the cave are sporadically placed twisted trees with blue leafs and cyan-glowing trunks. There are also all sorts of blue-shaded crystals glowing all around the cave. Three, there are many different rivers and creeks that run throughout the cave. And lastly, the cave seems to never end. You could be walking for weeks and not reach the end.Some people think the cave is spread out through all of Maetossa, but the only entrances are in the Shenmi Forest.